Climate-Resilient and Inclusive WASH (CERIA)

The project
Climate-Resilient and Inclusive WASH (CERIA)
Water for Women partners with Yayasan Plan International Indonesia, Plan International Australia and partners to deliver CERIA — Climate-Resilient and Inclusive WASH in Indonesia to directly benefit 223,088* people living in the provinces of Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat.
Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelagic state, consisting of more than 17,500 islands with over 81,000km of coastline and a population of around 277.5 million.
Indonesia is ranked in the top-third of countries in terms of climate risk, with high exposure to all types of flooding and extreme heat, both of which are expected to intensify as the climate changes. Climate change is likely to have impacts on water availability, disaster risk management, urban development — particularly in the coastal zones — and health and nutrition, with implications for poverty and inequality.
Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to sea-level rise, with a high proportion of the population inhabiting lower elevation coastal zones. Due in large part to this, Indonesia is also ranked sixth highest in the world for the number of people impacted by floods, with some 464 annual flood events displacing or disrupting approximately 640,000 Indonesians every year. According to the World Bank Group and Asian Development Bank, without effective adaptation, 4.2 million people could be exposed to permanent flooding by the period 2070–2100.
The impacts of climate change are already being felt in Indonesia, with more frequent droughts, heat waves, extreme floods, and large-scale landslides. These impacts have hindered the progress of many development aspects in Indonesia, such as health, water resources, food resilience, housing, infrastructure, and ecosystem.
Water for Women partners with Yayasan Plan International Indonesia, Plan International Australia and partners to deliver CERIA — Climate-Resilient and Inclusive WASH in Indonesia to directly benefit 223,088* people living in the provinces of Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat.
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